Friday, January 13, 2012

Our Restaurant Challenge

I honestly can't remember the last time we went out for dinner at a restaurant as a family. It was probably about the time Muddy Pixie was born and it all just got too hard. When we do a non-cooking night (which isn't very often) we generally get a takeaway and bring it home, or take it to the park.

Tonight though we challenged ourselves (with reinforcements as Nana and Grandpa are still here until tomorrow). We went into town to the local Chinese restaurant. It's your typical Chinese restaurant you find in every country town, complete with tacky decor, plastic tablecloths, the table set with spoon and fork, and you have to request chopsticks if you want them. We went in early, in the hopes of feeding the Muddy Tribe before they got too overtired and out of control.

It started out pretty well, they were happy to colour in while we waited for dinner. Our biggest challenge though was the Muddy Puzzler and the toilet! I counted no less than 8 trips to the bathroom with no success. Eventually Nana took her outside for a 'grass wee' and once that was over we were able to enjoy the rest of our meal.

The Honey Prawns and the spring rolls proved the favourites. It was actually really lovely to go out to dinner as a family, and as my Muddy Pixie started to lose it as we were finishing eating I wouldn't have wanted to be there any longer, as it would have ended in tears! We just might challenge ourselves again sometime when I don't feel like cooking, as it wasn't as terrible as I had feared it would be.

Do you take your family out to dinner?
How do you manage tired kids in a restaurant?


  1. Love the pics, gorgeous 'muddy' kiddies. Agree, the whole going out thing can sometimes be more effort than it's worth.

    We find going out for a nice breakfast of a weekend easier. Kiddies are less tired and the atmosphere tends to be very relaxed at some of our local cafes.

    Im off to take a peek around you blog now. Thanks for popping by my way xx

  2. With a brood the size of yours Nat, it's always going to be difficult, but I'm super impressed you pulled it off! We only did ONE restaurant the entire time we were away and we got in and got out as quick as we could. It seems to turn sour after about 45 mins with kids, so we just eat up quick ;o)
    Love the pics, Muddy Preschooler's dress is so pretty :o) xoxo


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